Margaret’s Back Story Part 4 Section 3: 13 September 2024

Remainder of the self explanatory letter I sent to Anne Ryan on 23 January 2023


23 January 2023

John Hankin

Anne Ryan

Re:      Your Behaviour to Margaret

Shame on you Anne.  You have failed the test of being a decent human being.  You have been here since 22 October 2022 and you leave on 7 February 2023.  You have seen your “friend” who is dying, three times.  Is this how “Woke Social Justice Warriors” behave?  You are creating an extremely bleak world where in the name of achieving your desired results, no one at all matters – not your “current” friends and certainly not the “Cancelled Non Persons” who once thought they were your friends.

Yours in sorrow


John Hankin

As at Saturday 14 September 2024, I am still waiting for a reply to my letter sent in 2023.  I am also still waiting for a reply to my invitation for Anne to come to Margaret's funeral on 31 August 2023 and I am still waiting for a response to the invitation I sent for Anne to say farewell to Margaret at Croagh Patrick on Saturday 7 September 2024.


  1. Karma gets everyone in the end John, good or bad, and she will suffer either here in this world, or the afterworld for her behaviour John. Good riddance to bad rubbish.....
    Thanks for sharing mate


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