131 – Cancelled, Part 4: 29 December 2024
I loved Port
Lincoln, so we went to Port Lincoln for a few days in February 2021.
Early morning
on the Port Lincoln beach on 16 February 2021.
Early morning on Port Lincoln waterfront on 16 February 2021.
All actions
have consequences.
I only
narrowly avoided death after the cancellation of both me and Margaret by Anne
Ryan and our former friends after the barbecue on 26 January 2021.
Because I
convinced myself that my symptoms had eased slightly, I decided my health had
improved slightly in November and December 2020. Of course, I was wrong to think this.
My weight had reduced to 84 kilograms by October 2020. This was the weight that the dietician
recommended as ideal for me. I no longer
tried to lose weight once I reached 84 kilograms.
What I wanted was irrelevant though.
I could not slow down the continued deterioration of my weight from a healthy weight into the death zone.
It is a simple proposition. If you are unable to eat, you lose
weight. If you continue to lose weight,
you eventually die.
This Table sets out my weight loss in October, November and
December 2020.
kilograms Friday
23 October 2020 83.4 kilograms Friday
30 October 2020 83.9 kilograms Friday
6 November 2020 82.4 kilograms Friday
13 November 2020 83.3 kilograms Friday
20 November 2020 82.7 kilograms Friday
27 November 2020 83.0 kilograms Friday
4 December 2020 82.4 kilograms Friday
11 December 2020 82.6 kilograms Friday
18 December 2020 82.1 kilograms Friday
25 December 2020 |
The deterioration in my health started turning into a death
slide in January 2021 and the death slide steadily gained momentum.
This Table sets
out my weight loss in January 2021.
84.0 kilograms Friday
23 October 2020 82.5 kilograms
Friday 1 January 2021 81.7 kilograms Friday 8 January 2021 82.4 kilograms Friday 15 January 2021 80.7 kilograms Friday 22 January
2021 82.0 kilograms Friday 29 January
2021 |
This Table sets
out my weight loss in February 2021.
kilograms Friday
5 February 82.5
kilograms Friday 12 February 2021 81.7
kilograms Friday 19 February 2021 82.4
kilograms Friday 26 February 2021 |
My weight loss continued long after February 2021.
As well as continuously
losing weight, I steadily became physically more feeble. I ceased to be able to do the exercise that I
wanted to do – the exercise my body needed me to do to stay alive.
This Table contrasts the exercise that I
wanted to do with the exercise that I was actually able to do. I am not physically lazy. None of the “lost” exercise was the result of
me not having the motivation to do it. The
lost exercise occurred because I was physically incapable to doing it. This Table graphically highlights the decline in
my health in January 2021.
Date |
Scheduled Exercise |
Actual Exercise |
Sunday 10
January |
3 ½ hours
at Morialta |
1 ½ hours
at Morialta |
Sunday 24
January 2021 |
3 ½ hours
at Morialta |
1 hour at
home |
Sunday 31
January 2021 |
3 ½ hours
at Morialta |
1 ½ hours
at Morialta |
This Table
sets out the rapid, significant decline in my health in February 2021. To steal an expression from American tv crime
shows, I had begun to “circle the drain”.
I did not realise it then, but my body had started to die.
Date |
Scheduled Exercise |
Actual Exercise |
10 February |
30 minutes
yoga |
Nil |
Friday 12
February |
1 hour
walking at Port Augusta, plus 30 minutes yoga |
Nil |
13 February |
1 hour
walking at Port Lincoln, plus 30 minutes yoga |
Nil |
Sunday 14
February |
1 hour
walking at Port Lincoln, plus 30 minutes yoga |
30 minutes
walking at Port Lincoln |
Monday 15
February |
1 hour
walking at Port Lincoln, plus 30 minutes yoga |
- 30 minutes easy
walking at Port Lincoln - 30 minutes yoga |
Tuesday 16
February |
1 hour walking
at Port Lincoln, plus 30 minutes yoga |
30 minutes walking at
Port Lincoln
17 February |
1 hour
walking at Port Augusta or Port Lincoln, plus 30 minutes yoga |
30 minutes walking at
Port Lincoln
18 February |
1 hour
walking at home, plus 30 minutes yoga |
Nil |
Friday 19
February |
1 hour
walking at home, plus 30 minutes yoga |
Nil |
25 February |
1 hour
walking at home, plus 30 minutes yoga |
1 hour walking at
home |
Friday 26
February |
1 hour
walking at home, plus 30 minutes yoga |
Nil |
27 February |
1 hour
walking at home, plus 30 minutes yoga |
30 minutes yoga |
On some days
I was still able to do some of my recommended exercise, but doing so became increasingly
difficult. On other days, I was unable
to do any exercise at all.
I was in
continuous pain.
Although I
was still able to eat breakfast in January 2021, I was completely unable to eat
lunch and eating dinner became increasingly
impossible. Being able to eat only small
segments of meals became a common occurrence.
This Table
identifies the meals I was unable to eat in January 2021
Date |
Breakfast |
Lunch |
Dinner |
Friday 1 January 2021 |
None |
Saturday 2 January |
None |
Sunday 3 January |
None |
Monday 4 January |
None |
Tuesday 5 January |
None |
Thursday 7 January |
None |
Saturday 9 January |
None |
Sunday 10 January |
None |
Monday 11 January |
None |
Sunday 17 January |
None |
Sunday 24 January |
None |
Tuesday 26 January |
None |
Thursday 28 January |
None |
Saturday 30 January |
None |
None |
Sunday 31 January |
None |
After my
cancellation on 8 February 2021, my physical inability to eat became more
pronounced. This Table identifies the meals
where I was unable to eat any food in February.
Date |
Breakfast |
Lunch |
Dinner |
Thursday 4 February |
None |
Sunday 7 February |
None |
Saturday 13 February |
None |
None |
Sunday 14 February |
None |
Monday 15 February |
None |
Tuesday 16 February |
None |
Wednesday 17 February |
None |
Thursday 18 February |
None |
Bowl ice cream |
Friday 19 February |
Bowl ice cream |
Saturday 20 February |
None |
Sunday 21 February |
None |
Bowl of ice cream |
Monday 22 February |
Bowl ice cream |
Tuesday 23 February |
Raspberry muffin |
Friday 26 February |
None |
Bowl ice cream |
Saturday 27 February |
None |
Sunday 28 February |
None |
By the end
of February, it was usually impossible for me to eat lunch and I was often
unable to eat either lunch or dinner. My
stomach would accept ice cream so I began having a bowl of ice cream as my “dinner”. Throughout that February, breakfast was the
only meal I was usually able to eat.
Margaret was
the one who had cancer, but my body had decided to shut down as well. Partly this was because I desperately wanted
Margaret to live, but the horrible stink of death to my
agony was a direct result of my cancellation by someone I had thought was a
The lives of
both Margaret and me became a daily battle to survive.
Anne Ryan had cancelled me and my life hung in the balance.
Margaret had terminal cancer and she had been cancelled too. Her long time friend did not give a shit about the impending death of her two former friends.