Tim Tams are a big hit everywhere – and Margaret’s Fraudulent friends loved them. This photo shows Margaret having fun by pretending to be a Customs Officer confiscating the Tim Tams.
This photo shows Anne Ryan pretending to be in love with my former friend Nes Fernandez. She dropped Nes once she persuaded him to stop walking with me. She also persuaded Nes to cancel me when Margaret was dying from cancer. Nes refused to come to Margaret’s funeral.
Evil has the ability to pretend to be something else.
You may have missed it in the sea of detail, but in Blog 184, I recounted how HCF agreed in writing to pay ALL unpaid Lift claims dating back to 2018. Yes, that is correct. HCF had refused to obey the law for a continuous period of four years. After I exerted extreme pressure on HCF, it finally agreed to pay all claims it received in the future – and it also agreed to pay all claims it should have already paid over the previous four years.
Then HCF changed its mind – or perhaps it had never really intended to pay the unpaid past claims in the first place.
This is the sequence of events.
On the 24th of June 2022, Lift advised HCF in writing it had received payment for outstanding claims covering September 2021 to November 2021. Lift asked what had happened to the promised payments for all of the other claims – the claims dating back to 2018.
This prompted HCF to revert to its habit of ignoring the law.
On 24 June 2022, Andrea Caton from HCF sent this email to Lift.
Curled up inside this little gem of an email is confirmation by HCF that it never processed the claims for services by Lift. The Lift claims were neither accepted nor rejected. They were ignored and the paperwork destroyed.
I am confident that the HCF refusal to either accept or reject claims was a crime.
HCF made its position explicit in another email sent to Lift on 27 June 2022.
Stripped of the Bulls**t, HCF refused to pay for any past claims unless Lift resubmitted each and every unpaid claim all over again – and did so in paper format and sent the claims by ordinary mail. HCF demanded Lift perform what HCF knew would be a logistical nightmare. HCF demanded that Lift resubmit each and every unpaid claim all over again – using hours of employee time – so that HCF could once again, engage in Masterly Inactivity.
It was this piece of Bulls**t that prompted my 8th of July 2022 letter to Mark Johnson.
My letter to Mark Johnson finally persuaded HCF to obey the law.
I got a short email from Mark Johnson on 9 July 2022 “Acknowledging receipt of your letter of 7 July 2022”. [Mark Johnson got the date of my letter wrong.]
On the 1st of August 2022, I got another email from Mark Johnson. This email enclosed a letter from Mark Johnson dated 29th of July 2022. This is Mark Johnson’s 29th of July 2022 letter.
The letter was certainly written in bulls**t legal language because the lawyers insisted on this, but it did signal HCF had finally decided to obey the law. HCF and Teachers Health now finally paid the insurance claims they had previously refused to pay. NIB had decided to obey the law in April 2022. My war with the health insurers was finally at an end.
I had finally succeeded without any help at all from any of the government agencies that were supposed to enforce the law. Every relevant government agency had refused to enforce the law and I am convinced that corruption played a key role in the refusal of the Health Department and the Commonwealth Ombudsman to do their duty.
The struggle with the health insurers was replaced by a much grimmer struggle. Margaret’s health suddenly declined dramatically. Her right kidney stopped working because the cancer had blocked her digestive system. Her kidney function was restored only by insertion of a stent.
No matter what I did, I could not stop Margaret’s steady drift towards death. It was as if I forced the insurers to obey the law and the universe had then said “Thank you, Margaret can die now”.
But I did not do what I did just for Margaret. I wanted to make sure that all other patients at Lift could get the treatment that their doctors wanted them to get and that their health insurance entitled them to receive.
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