Part 5 of my 8 July 2022 letter to Mark Johnson, Chairman of HCF.
Margaret took this photo of a pademelon in Tasmania on the 13th of March 2015.
The evil sisters again on 17th of March 2015. Margaret was beautiful. While she was genuinely their friend, they abandoned her when she became ill. They wanted to avoid the dying woman.
This is a continual of the letter.
The relevance of our personal medical history to the legal problems besetting HCF is simple. When faced with the prospect of death, neither Margaret nor I have “surrendered to the inevitable” and died. We have both kept going and we will continue to keep going much longer than you can ever imagine. If and when the cancer takes Margaret away from me, that will not be the end of HCF’s troubles from me. Until HCF joins the community of law abiding Australians, I will not stop and just let HCF maintain its policy of breaking the law at its discretion. I say it again. If the cancer kills Margaret, that will not get HCF “off the hook”. If anything, my efforts to make sure HCF obeys the law will multiply exponentially. The Future For HCF The future for HCF is likely to be ugly. I have written to the Minister for Health, Mr Mark Butler. Mark did his practical legal education diploma in the same year that I did – 1987 at the then South Australian Institute of Technology (now Uni SA). I do not claim to know Mark personally, but our paths have crossed over the decades when we were both lawyers. Mark has been given the Ministerial position that no one wants – Minister for Health. Being Health Minister means that you are always trying to hose down disasters. Health issues never go away and no one thanks the Health Minister when things go right, but he is a convenient person to bag when as is inevitable in this area, things go wrong. I am sure Mark will be delighted to have an issue where he can publicly act in a manner as Health Minister that will attract great applause. I have written to Senator Penny Wong, Minister for Foreign Affairs. My former wife studied Social Work with Penny’s mother Jane and then once Penny was admitted as a lawyer, she did some trials where I was on the other side. Penny is scarily competent and she will definitely remember me. As an added bonus, Margaret is a very close friend of one of Penny’s former staff members. I have asked Penny to make representations to her colleague the Minister for Health. I think there is a good prospect that she will do just that. I have also asked her to make representations to the Treasurer, as Minister responsible for the ACCC. I think there is a good prospect she will do that. I have written to Senator Don Farrell, Minister for Trade. Don was the Assistant Secretary for the Shop, Distributive and Allied Employees’ Association, South Australian Branch in the late 1980s when I was a lawyer employed by the Retail Traders’ Association. He is a very nice man and he always keeps his word because, unlike HCF, he is honest. Until he became Minister for Trade, Don sometimes came to the same yoga class as me and Margaret. Don is just as competent as Penny Wong, but not as scary. Only an idiot would underestimate him. I have asked Don to make representations to his colleague the Minister for Health. Don’s Office already knows all about the conduct of HCF because I asked him for help before the last Federal election campaign got under way. Apart from the head start on the facts that Don Farrell’s office staff already have, I am sure that Don himself will take a personal interest and bring these matters to the attention of the Health Minister. I have also asked Don to make representations to the Treasurer, as Minister responsible for the ACCC. I think there is a good prospect he will do that. I have written to and talked to my local Member of the House of Representatives – Member for Adelaide, Mr Steve Georganas. Steve is a very nice man also and he is anxious to be given permission to tell the House of Representatives all about the actions of HCF. I have now told him that I do not object to him doing what he has wanted to do for a long time. I have also asked him to make representations to the Treasurer, as Minister responsible for the ACCC. I think there is a good prospect he will do that. Finally, I will provide all of the relevant correspondence to the Australian Competition and Consumer Affairs Commission. The ACC has already opened a preliminary file on HCF and the other health insurance funds. I suspect that the ACCC will not need too much persuasion to turn their existing preliminary inquiry into a full blown investigation at all of the health funds, with a particular focus on HCF. It is now very late and it may be impossible for you to prevent you and your fellow Directors from being run over by the investigative train, but you never know, you might just be able to get off relatively lightly. As for Sheena Jack and her adherents, the sooner you cut them loose from you and the other Directors, the better your chances of surviving what is to come. The optimist in me hopes to receive reassurance from you in the near future to the effect that the HCF Board is actually doing something about the criminals employed at HCF. The realist in me will not be surprised if this does not happen. In case you have not yet worked it out, I think the people who are in senior positions at HCF who are responsible for this catalogue of crime, are scumbags – no more and no less. You and the other Directors should do your job and make the company that you are responsible for, do something amazing – obey the law. I can see the social media circus already – beautiful parodies of the guy in his underwear looking so very happy that he has been UNCOVERED by HCF. |
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