Sunday, November 3, 2024

 80 The Ombudsman and the Battle to Make the Health Insurers Obey the Law Part 18, Section 4: 3 November 2024


Unpicking The Ombudsman Email of 5 April 2022 (3)


24.15 Ombudsman Uninterested in Awful Behaviour by HCF

“You advised our Office that HCF were now no longer accepting any claims from Lift.”


On page 15 of my letter dated 21 February 2022, I gave the Ombudsman details of the HCF scam.

“Adding to the seriousness of the “scam” in which HCF is engaged are two other equally serious factors.

·           It has placed a “block” on its computer system to try and prevent any claims at all from being lodged for services provide by Lift Cancer Care Services; and

·           It simply ignores claims at random, not responding in any way to the fact that they have been lodged.

I reiterate something already known to the Ombudsman about a FUNDAMENTAL DUTY OF ALL HEALTH INSURERS.  That fundamental duty is the duty to permit claims to be lodged and to provide a response – positive or negative – to those claims.  If the response is negative, a reason contemplated by the relevant legislative provisions MUST be provided.”

In this portion of the email, the Ombudsman explicitly acknowledged I had told it HCF was ignoring its duty to enable claims to be lodged.  I had thought the Ombudsman would be concerned that HCF was breaking the law. 

The response by the Ombudsman amounted to - “How very uninteresting. Why should we be interested in this?”

The regulator had zero interest in law enforcement. 

Was the Ombudsman corrupt or “merely” very lazy. 

I formed the belief they were probably corrupt as well as lazy.



The Ombudsman “Investigation”

Our Investigation*

Investigation revealed …”

* The bold lettering replicates the bold used in the email


The Ombudsman wanted to create the false impression that it had investigated my complaint and rejected it – so the Ombudsman lied.  The Ombudsman carried out no “investigation”. 

The Ombudsman wanted to give the impression Lift was to blame for the behaviour of the HCF. 

Instead of investigating the facts, the Ombudsman was a mouthpiece for the health insurers.

Perhaps the most misleading aspect of the email lies in the heading “Our Investigation”.  It proclaims the Ombudsman had conducted its own investigation.  

When I got this email, I certainly thought the Ombudsman had done an investigation.

I researched the Ombudsman Act many months later.  I then realised there HAD NEVER BEEN any investigation by the Ombudsman.  Section 20P of the Ombudsman Act forbids “investigations” by the Ombudsman except in limited circumstances.

The Ombudsman can conduct investigations if mediation has failed – and the Ombudsman never suggested mediation in our case.

The Ombudsman can conduct an investigation if it is “not satisfied with the outcome of” an investigation done by the health insurer.

The 5 April email insisted HCF had done no wrong, so the Ombudsman was definitely not dissatisfied with “the outcome of any investigation” conducted by HCF.

After realising it was impossible the Ombudsman could have conducted any investigation at all, I noted the careful wording immediately beneath the heading “Our Investigation”.  It is deliberately deceptive.  It does NOT say “Our investigation revealed …”.  It says “Investigation revealed …”.

Given the heading “Our Investigation”, these words give the impression the Ombudsman did an investigation - but very carefully avoids saying this.

Government agencies are careful in their word selection and the way they use those words.  My conclusion given the omission of the word “our” before the word “investigation”, is that the only “investigation” was that conducted by HCF.

This word formula was meant to deceive.  I was definitely deceived when I received this email.


The courts don’t substitute their own decisions for decisions reached by bureaucrats, but they do exert some controls over bureaucratic decisions.  If a decision is so unreasonable  that no bureaucrat could have made it, the courts say no valid decision has ever been made.

In the case of my complaints, the Ombudsman was able to conduct an investigation of its own – but only if it was “not satisfied with the outcome of” of an investigation conducted by HCF. 

Quite obviously, Ombudsman WAS satisfied with the “investigation” conducted by HCF. 

Once it became “satisfied” with the “investigation” carried out by HCF, the Ombudsman became unable to do its own investigation – and it clearly didn’t.

The Ombudsman decision not to carry out its own investigation falls within the court concept of invalid decisions that no reasonable bureaucrat could make.  The Ombudsman’s refusal to investigate my complaint was invalid. 

Given the documentation I had given the Ombudsman, it was legally impossible for the Ombudsman to accept the HCF lies. 

The evidence I sent to the Ombudsman in February 2022 refuted any HCF assertions that it had asked Lift for further information which had never been provided.


The Ombudsman Blames the Victim

“Our Investigation

Investigation revealed that due to claiming issues with various insurers LCC had applied to the Department of Health to have their ‘Tier 2’ hospital status removed.  Removal of this status allowed LCC to bill patients for services directly rather than having to submit claims directly with a patients insurer.  This application was approved, and explains why you were required to pay upfront for services and then claim directly from your insurer from December 2021 onwards”


Having falsely claimed it had conducted an “investigation” into my complaints, the Ombudsman then resorted to a well know tactic – blame the victim.

The Ombudsman told us something irrelevant.  Before Lift could ask us to pay on Margaret’s treatment days, the Health Department had to change its hospital registration status.

I doubt the Ombudsman told us this for an innocent reason.  This was designed to blame Lift for making us pay for treatments HCF refused to pay for.  The Ombudsman wanted us to think if Lift had done nothing, we wouldn’t have had to pay for Margaret’s treatments.  This was misleading on multiple levels. 

The Ombudsman was unconcerned that HCF ignored the law.

The Ombudsman was unconcerned about the need for Lift to be able to pay its own expenses. 

If Lift ceased to be able to operate, none of its patients could have got treatments. 

Without the treatments, Margaret and other Lift patients would probably die earlier than they otherwise might.

The Ombudsman thought it was preferable for Lift patients to die because this meant it would not have to enforce the law. 

The Ombudsman was unconcerned about Lift patients dying so long as it could avoid doing its job.



Above - Margaret at Anne Ryan's home in Ireland 13 December 2017




Above – Maeve O’Byrne 13 December 2017; in her funeral eulogy, she forgot that Margaret had ever known me and that she had been our marriage celebrant.



Above – Anne Ryan.  In her video funeral eulogy, she forgot Margaret had ever known me.  She gave me and Margaret the finger.


Above – Peter Hussey.  In his video funeral eulogy, he forgot Margaret had ever known me.

1 comment:

Blog No. 182 - Treasurer Jim Chalmers and Local MP Steve Georganas: 21 February 2025

Like their colleagues, Minister for Health Mark Butler, Minister for Trade and Tourism Don Farrell and Foreign Affairs Minister Penny Wong, ...