Monday, February 10, 2025

Blog No. 171 - Australian Competition and Consumer Commission – Part 5: 10 February 2025

After providing hope that it would investigate the crimes committed by the health insurers, the ACCC ceased all investigation of the health insurers on the 14th of July 2022.

The Australian government changed because of the Australian elections held on the 22nd of May 2022.

I theorise the election of a new government was the major reason why the ACCC stopped its pursuit of the crimes committed by the health insurers.


Margaret at Glendalough, Ireland. 9th of September 2019.


Gorgeous scenery at Glendalough, 9th of September 2019.


ACCC Letter Dated 15 July 2022

The ACCC reply to my appeal sent on 14 July 2022 was immediate.  I got an email and a letter from the ACCC at 11.43 am on 15 July.  The email said this.

Dear John 

Thank you for your email.  

We confirm this additional information does not change our view as to the application of the Australian Consumer Law to the allegations raised in your complaint, and we will proceed to close our investigation. We attach a letter which provides an explanation for the decision to conclude our investigation. We would be happy to have a call with you and Margaret to discuss this further at a time that suits you. If you are interested, please let us know if you have any availabilities for a call in the week commencing Monday 25 July. 

We have also engaged with other government agencies responsible for private health insurance matters regarding the issues raised in your complaint. Would you be comfortable for us pass on the additional information you have provided us to these agencies? 

Kind regards


Sita McTavish

Senior Investigator | Enforcement - Southern | Consumer and Fair Trading Division 

Australian Competition & Consumer Commission


The email from the ACCC referred to a letter attached to the email.  This is the ACCC letter attached to the email.  It gives the official ACCC reasons for abandoning the investigation into the health insurers.

Our ref: CS1050600 

Contact officer: Sita McTavish 

Contact phone: (03) 9658 6437 

July 2022 

John Hankin and Margaret Redden 

By email

Dear John and Margaret 

ACCC investigation into your complaint regarding Hospitals Contribution Fund of Australia Limited and other private health insurers

We refer to our previous communications in relation to the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission’s (ACCC) investigation into your complaint regarding Hospitals Contribution Fund of Australia Limited (HCF) and other private health insurers. Our investigation considered the allegation that HCF and other private health insurers are unlawfully refusing to accept claims for reimbursement for the services provided by Lift Cancer Care Services (Lift) to its patients in contravention of the Australian Consumer Law (ACL). 

We are writing to advise that we have considered your complaint and decided to close our investigation and take no further action at this stage. This decision was based on careful consideration of the information available to the ACCC, including your letters of 22 March 2022, 9 May 2022, 20 June 2022 as well as the copies of your correspondence with HCF, and our inquiries with other government agencies responsible for the administration and regulation of the private health insurance industry.

We consider the issues raised in your complaint result from a dispute between HCF (and other private health insurers) and Lift as to the scope of the legislation governing private health insurance benefits. We do not consider investigation under the Australian Consumer Law is warranted at this time. We also understand HCF has reimbursed your past claims for Lift’s services and stated it will honour claims made in future, including those submitted directly by Lift on Margaret’s behalf.

The ACCC will monitor future complaints related to private health insurers and we will continue to take concerns raised by consumers in this area seriously, and we may reopen this investigation at any time.

Thank you again for your assistance with our investigation. We were very sorry to hear of the difficulties Margaret has been facing with her health. We wish you and Margaret all the best for the future.

If you have any further questions about this matter, please contact Sita McTavish, Senior Investigator, on (03) 9658 6437 or

Yours sincerely 

Madelaine Holt General Manager (A/g) 

Enforcement Southern 

Consumer and Fair Trading Division

The official reasons for the ACCC deciding to revert into “sleep mode” are in this paragraph.

We consider the issues raised in your complaint result from a dispute between HCF (and other private health insurers) and Lift as to the scope of the legislation governing private health insurance benefits. We do not consider investigation under the Australian Consumer Law is warranted at this time. We also understand HCF has reimbursed your past claims for Lift’s services and stated it will honour claims made in future, including those submitted directly by Lift on Margaret’s behalf.”


The official reasons amounted to this.

ACCC had consulted with “other government agencies responsible for the administration and regulation of the health insurance industry.

The ACCC had accepted assurances from the corrupt Ombudsman and corrupt Department of Health that all was lawful.


ACCC had accepted assurances that our complaint centred on “a dispute” between the health insurers and Lift about the proper interpretation of the legislation.

ACCC was too lazy to actually investigate if the health insurers were breaking the law.  All lawbreakers claim they are acting legally.

ACCC accepted claims by the Health Department and the Ombudsman that because there was a “dispute”, no action was necessary.  This was rubbish.  The health insurers were refusing to pay because they knew government agencies were refusing duty.  Legally speaking, ACCC, Health Department and the Ombudsman had a duty to investigate whether the law permitted the insurers to refuse payment.  If the law did not, the agencies had a duty to act.


HCF had reimbursed us for our unpaid claims and had agreed to pay all future claims submitted to Lift Cancer Care Services.

The insurers have promised to pay Lift in future so we don’t have to look for any other crimes they may have committed.


I had already given ACCC clear evidence that HCF had engaged in false and misleading conduct by “disappearing” most of our claims for services provided to Margaret by Lift.  I am sure this conduct was criminal – but somehow, the ACCC decided no further investigation was needed.


All of my dealings with Sita McTavish had been sympathetic and professional, but the letter was signed not by Sita but by Madelaine Holt.  The decision to refuse to investigate was not made by Sita but at a level above Sita – perhaps by Madelaine Holt, but perhaps Madelaine signed the letter under orders.

Why do I think this? It will be made clear soon.


Sunday, February 9, 2025

Blog No. 170 - Australian Competition and Consumer Commission – Part 4: 9 February 2025

Margaret on the Rocky Mountaineer Train, 17th of August 2016


Scenery we saw on the Rocky Mountaineer, 17th of August 2016.


Summary of My Dealings With ACCC

This table summarises my communications with the ACCC during July 2022.


Correspondence Length 

How Sent

Response Date 

Response Length 

Response Said

ACCC Email 14 July 2022

1 page

Email from 1.59 pm Thursday 14 July 2022

Email to ACCC at 2.46 pm Thursday 14 July 2022

2 pages

Urged ACCC to rescind decision to cease investigation

Email to ACCC Thursday 14 July 2022

2 pages

Email to 2.46 pm Thursday 14 July 2022

Email and letter dated 15 July 2022 from ACC 15 July 2022 

2 pages

ACCC confirmed decision to cease investigation

Letter to Mark Johnson 7 July 2022

13 pages

Email to 2.46 pm Thursday 14 July 2022

Email and letter 15 July 2022 from ACC 

2 pages

ACCC confirmed decision to cease investigation

Letter to Don Farrell 8 July 2022

5 pages

Email to 2.46 pm Thursday 14 July 2022

Email and letter 15 July 2022 from ACC

2 pages

ACCC confirmed decision to cease investigation

Letter to Penny Wong 8 July 2022

8 pages

Email to 2.46 pm Thursday 14 July 2022

Email and letter 15 July 2022 from ACC

2 pages

ACCC confirmed decision to cease investigation

Letter to Jim Chalmers 8 July 2022

6 pages

Email to 2.46 pm Thursday 14 July 2022

Email and letter 15 July 2022 from ACC

2 pages

ACCC confirmed decision to cease investigation

Letter to Steve Georganas 8 July 2022

4 pages

Email to 2.46 pm Thursday 14 July 2022

Email and letter 15 July 2022 from ACC 

2 pages

ACCC confirmed decision to cease investigation

Letter to Mark Butler 8 July 2022

13 pages

Email to at 2.46 pm on Thursday 14 July 2022

Email and letter 15 July 2022 from ACC 

2 pages

ACCC confirmed decision to cease investigation

“How the Health Fund Scam Works”

5 pages

Email to 2.46 pm Thursday 14 July 2022

Email and letter 15 July 2022 from ACC

2 pages

ACCC confirmed decision to cease investigation

ACCC letter 15 July 2022

2 pages

With email from 11.43 am Friday 15 July 2022

No point responding


No point responding


ACCC Email Dated 14 July 2022 and My Response

I had sent letters to several politicians asking for help on 14 July 2022.  The same day, ACCC sent me this email saying it had ceased investigating the health insurers.


Dear John 

We are writing to provide an update on your complaint to the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) regarding Hospitals Contribution Fund of Australia Limited (HCF) and other private health insurers. We have considered your complaint with senior managers at the ACCC and decided to close our investigation and take no further action at this stage. 

We were hoping to set up a phone call with you and Margaret, if she is able to join, to discuss our reasoning for the decision to conclude our investigation. If possible, could you please let us know your availabilities for a call tomorrow or in the week commencing Monday 18 July. Once we have confirmed a suitable time, we will circulate a calendar invitation for the call.

In the meantime, if you have any questions, please feel free to contact us via email.

Kind regards


Sita McTavish

Senior Investigator | Enforcement - Southern | Consumer and Fair Trading Division 

Australian Competition & Consumer Commission


I was disappointed the ACCC had ceased all investigation into the health insurers.  I replied by email 47 minutes after getting the ACCC email.

Hi Sita,

The decision to discontinue may be premature.

HCF has reneged on its promise to pay the approximately $200,000 that it owes to Lift Cancer Care Services.  I have not accepted this latest ugly behaviour by HCF with any “grace”.

I am attaching to this email, letters dated 8 July 2022 that I have sent to 

  • Mark Johnson, Chairman of HCF

  • Senator Don Farrell, Senator for South Australia and Minister for Trade and Tourism;

  • Senator Penny Wong, Senator for South Australia and Minister for Foreign Affairs

  • Mark Butler, Minister for Health

  • Jim Chalmers, Treasurer;

  • Steve Georganas, MP for Adelaide.

In the letter to Mark Johnson, which he has acknowledged receiving, I have severely criticised the conduct of HCF and urged it to start obeying the law.  I conclude that letter by saying that the people who run HCF are “scumbags” – and indeed that is exactly what they are.

In the letter to Mark Butler, I urge him to do all necessary to make HCF obey the law and do all that is necessary to ensure that the Health Department (for once) does its job and enforces the law.  I know Mark Butler from my previous career as a lawyer.  I have also asked him to urge the Treasurer to urge the ACC to really get stuck into the health funds.  They are indeed the scumbags that I have said they are in the letter to Mark Johnson.  The Health Department has a completely shameful track record of never enforcing the law.  This failure is inexplicable by any explanation that involves honesty or diligent work performance by the relevant officers in the Health Department.  The alternative possible explanations are not attractive.

In the letters to Don Farrell and Penny Wong (whom I also know from my legal career) and to Steve Georganas (who is our local MP), I have asked them to do two things (1) Urge Mark Butler to enforce the law (2) Urge the Treasurer to urge the ACCC to get stuck into the health funds and enforce the law.

In the letter to Jim Chalmers, I ask him to urge/ instruct/ recommend (as appropriate) to the ACCC that it launch a full scale investigation into the rampant scam activities of the health funds.

As well as the letters that went out last Friday, I also attach a document that was attached to the letters to the politicians headed “How the Scam Works”.

Next Monday is about the worst possible day for us to do a phone hook up.  Next week is pretty tight.

If the ACCC maintains its decision to look no further into the health funds, that will be extremely disappointing.  The ACCC is the ONLY government agency that has shown the slightest interest in the criminal activities of the health funds – and now, here the funds go again!

Please advise alterative dates and times for the phone consultation if it is to go ahead.

Kind Regards

John Hankin


Blog No. 184 - July 2022 – Dealing With HCF: 23 February 2025

July 2022 was the month I finally bludgeoned HCF into obeying the law.  After reluctantly accepting an order from Chairman Mark Johnson, HCF...