Sunday, October 13, 2024

 49 My Battle to Make the Health Insurers Obey the Law Part 8: 12 October 2024

This Table summarises the correspondence I sent to HCF from 1 to 21 February 2022.  In February 2022, HCF continued its policy of not communicating with me in any way, but I refused to go away.

Letter Details

Length of Correspondence

How Sent

Date of Response

Length of Response

What Did Response Say?

Letter dated 4 February 2022 addressed to Junita Lindsay, Complaints Resolution Officer

1 page

Email to  sent at 10:29 am on 4 February 2022

No reply ever received

Zero length

No reply ever received

Claim documents seeking payment for Margaret’s Lift treatment provided on 18 January 2022

3 pages

Attached to email to  sent at 10:29 am on 4 February 2022

No reply ever received

Zero length

No reply ever received

Letter dated 7 February 2022 addressed to Junita Lindsay, Complaints Resolution Officer

6 pages,

Email to sent at 5:27 pm on 12 January 2022

No reply ever received

Zero length


No reply ever received

Claim documents seeking payment for Margaret’s Lift treatment provided on 23 December 2021

3 pages

Attached to email to sent at 5:27 pm on 12 January 2022

No reply ever received

Zero length


No reply ever received

Claim documents seeking payment for Margaret’s Lift treatment provided on 7 January 2022

3 pages

Attached to email to sent at 5:27 pm on 12 January 2022

No reply ever received

Zero length

No reply ever received

Letter dated 12 February 2022 addressed to Junita Lindsay, Complaints Resolution Officer

5 pages

Email to sent at 12:55 pm on Saturday 12 February 2022

No reply ever received

Zero length

No reply ever received

Claim documents seeking payment for Margaret’s Lift treatment provided on 25 January 202

3 pages

Attached to email to sent at 12:55 pm on Saturday 12 February 2022

No reply ever received

Zero length

No reply ever received

Email dated 13 February 2022

2 line email, plus

Email to sent at 1:23 pm on Sunday 13 February 2022

No reply ever received

Zero length

No reply ever received

Replacement for page 2 of letter dated 12 February 2022

1 page

Attached to email to sent at 1:23 pm on Sunday 13 February 2022

No reply ever received

Zero length

No reply ever received




My HCF letter dated 4 February 2022 was a means of ensuring I could prove HCF had received our claim for Margaret’s 18 January 2022 Lift treatment.  I expected this letter to be ignored and it was.



My HCF letter of 7 February 2022 was prompted by what I learned at a patient support meeting held on Sunday 6 February.  On 7 February, I formally complained that HCF had placed a computer “block” on processing any claims for services provided by Lift Cancer Care Services.  This was a serious but completely true charge – so HCF ignored it.


… the HCF computer “block” on the processing in any way of claims for services provided by Lift, is the result of a very precise instruction given at the very highest level within HCF.  I have not the slightest doubt that this instruction is illegal and a serious breach of the relevant private health insurance legislation.  I believe that no health insurance company has the lawful ability to refuse to process claims for payments made under a policy of private health insurance.  I believe that the law requires all claims be accepted for processing and those claims must be either specifically accepted or specifically rejected in accordance with the relevant regulations governing the specific service for which the claim has been made.

The “block” on the processing of claims involving services provided by Lift has two obvious - and odious - effects.  In the first place, it prevents HCF staff from “mistakenly” approving claims that the law actually requires to be approved.  In the second place – and this is probably the more significant underlying reason for the “block” – it places HCF in the position where it is able to claim that it has not rejected any claims for services provided by Lift.  This “magical” result is produced not because HCF has decided to obey the law, but because it has come up with what Baldrick from “Blackadder” would have called a “cunning plan”.  Like all of Baldrick’s “cunning plans”, this latest move by HCF is an extremely bad idea.  It will not work and it is certainly unlawful.


 The second significant issue I raised in the 7 February letter related to a HCF demand that any of the HCF members who sought access to the HCF “go away” money, would be forced to falsely claim that Lift Cancer Care had mislead them about the possible cost of their Lift treatments.



Given that I was not the only recipient of this email (or emails that were virtually identical to it) it is clear that HCF has embarked on a deliberate policy of trying to induce cancer patients to falsely claim that they were misled by Lift regarding the likely cost of the treatment provided by Lift.  I know for a fact that in none of my correspondence to HCF did I ever suggest that I was “misled” in any way by Lift about the likely cost of the services.  This allegation has been invented by HCF and peddled to extremely vulnerable people in an attempt to “persuade” them to accept money that they have always been entitled to receive – but at the price of slandering the very service provider that has at all times tried to help them deal with life threatening illnesses.  The words “vile” and “odious” spring to mind.  They are appropriate words to describe this particular conduct by HCF.


Expressing these concerns in the letter meant that HCF could not claim senior executives were unaware their company was doing this.

I correctly assumed HCF would ignore this letter.

I believed it likely that Junita Lindsay was no more than a mouthpiece for more senior officers.  so I addressed this part of the letter to:


Principal Baldrick,

Lesser Baldricks and Equally Ridiculous Other Baldricks


At HCF.  In Blackadder, Baldrick was the servant of Edmund Blackadder and often had “cunning plans” - all of which were rubbish.  Baldrick also had filthy hygiene.

Baldrick was a stupid, dirty idiot.  I therefore tried to talk directly to the Baldricks at HCF who made the important decisions.



If you ever get around to watching the tv series from which I have adopted your names, you might become aware that your original namesake on Blackadder was a complete idiot.  I am forced to conclude that like the original Baldrick, you too are (to adapt a saying from Winnie the Pooh) “people of very few brains.

I look forward to receiving yet another non reply from the Baldricks at HCF, sent under the pseudonym of the work email address for Junita Lindsay.


 HCF never responded to this letter.



The 12 February letter was addressed to Junita Lindsay, but marked for the attention of “The Relevant HCF Baldrick”.

This time, I tried to speak directly to those above Junita Lindsay and say they were idiots, although I still had no idea who the “Relevant Baldrick” might be.  I later learnt the Relevant Baldrick was HCF CEO Sheena Jack.  My letter finished this way.


So now we continue to live in this strange world where the deadly cancer sitting inside my wife’s body is still there, but without any treatment except the chemotherapy and radiotherapy which her doctors in December 2020 thought might give her a few additional months, plus the exercise medicine provided by Lift.

So perhaps Baldrick, you might care to explain this to me – although I am completely certain that you will not.  HCF had no trouble providing insurance payments for the chemotherapy and radiotherapy treatment in December 2020/ January 2021, even though Margaret’s treating doctors made it very clear that this had no prospect of doing anything except perhaps extend her life by a few months.  HCF pays for treatment which is in essence, “buying time.”.

But the very much cheaper exercise medicine provided by Lift – which like all of the other treatments is given by wonderful, caring people – is not something that HCF will accept as an acceptable medical treatment.  Strangely though, the treatment rejected by HCF seems to have worked.  Dear Baldrick, is HCF seriously asserting it will not comply with its legal obligations to assist in paying for medical care because it rejects a specific medical treatment which seems to have worked?

Why Baldrick, do you reject treatment that seems to work where patients have been given an imminent and completely certain death sentence?


  HCF never responded to this letter.




This is Margaret, the woman who HCF thought should die so long as it did not have to obey the law, on Friday 12 August 2016 IN Vancouver with me.

Perhaps HCF thought that we had lived long enough and therefore Margaret’s life did not matter.  This photo was taken on Friday 2 August 2016.

This photo was taken Friday 2 September 2016 while we were travelling from Vancouver to Seward in Alaska.


Blog No. 182 - Treasurer Jim Chalmers and Local MP Steve Georganas: 21 February 2025

Like their colleagues, Minister for Health Mark Butler, Minister for Trade and Tourism Don Farrell and Foreign Affairs Minister Penny Wong, ...